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What is Applied Vocabulary?

Applied Vocabulary is a system of writing strategies for building students’ vocabulary across content standards. Teachers choose from over 12 critical-thinking writing strategies to support the essential question of a lesson. Students respond with a strategy to explain what they understand with logical inferences or insight.



This systematic approach to writing empowers students to explain what they have learned in a different way than the teacher taught it. Teachers are prompted to:

  • Quantify their expectations (number of key terms used in the writing)
  • Model a written response that exceeds their expectations
  • Guide student choices with a critical-thinking strategy
  • Secure student self-assessment with a scoring rubric
  • Prompt peer response to the quality of writing with PALS (peer-assisted learning system)



Applied Vocabulary Online

  • For over two decades, Applied Vocabulary has employed vocabulary building, self-assessment, and peer evaluation techniques to produce gains in student achievement.

    Teachers and instructional leaders love...

    • the simple concrete writing strategies and critical-thinking tasks
    • the double-digit gains replicated in their schools
    • the positive impact on the class environment
    • the practice creating
      • logical arguments
      • strong narratives
      • detailed informational entries

    Over three decades of research confirms the positive impact writing has on learning across the content standards.

  • We offer a 30-day money back guarantee.

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